Thursday, May 24, 2007

1st Day at Kinder Care

Belle went to Day Care for the first time yesterday 5/23. I took her there twice prior to yesterday to help her to get to know the babies and teachers there. When we were visiting on 5/22, Anna, one of the babies there, was just facinated with Belle. She crawled over and touched and kissed Belle. It was really cute.

Since Belle was there for a couple of times already, she fits in great. She didn't cry or even noticed me leaving yesterday or today. I went to visit her during lunch yesterday and she seemed to be fine. Her eyes were kind of red and I figure that she had cried before I got there. But I wasn't too concerned, babies cry, they do that. However, it was still hard to adjust to trusting other people to take care of her. I notice that Belle was really tired. She must have trouble taking naps at Day Care... it's just too loud there, too many babies doing different things and there are constantly stuff going on. I hope she will learn to sleep with the noise.

Belle was really tired when I went to pick her up. She slept on our way home. We took at bath when we got home. Then we ate and watched American Idol. Belle seems to really enjoy American Idol the two times we watch the show together. Of course she won't just sits there and watch, I had to "dance" with her. But she's seems to be really into Music and she got the voice (she's really loud). Maybe she will be the next next next... Amerian Idol in 2025.